

Pre-Production Audience Survey:
we carried out a pre-production survey in order to get an idea of what our target audience will enjoy and want to see in our opening sequence. this is the survey:
1. Do you enjoy thrillers?
2. How often do you watch thriller movies?
Once a week/Twice a week/ Three times a week
Other, please state:
3. Would you say that thriller movies are the best genre of films? And why?
4. Do enjoy scenes that create suspense? And why?
5. Do you believe graphic violence is essential in thriller films? Why?
6. Do you prefer scenes that are dark and create an eerie mood or other? Why?
7. What do you think is the most important feature in a thriller?
8. Would you prefer watching a scene without dialogue or with? Why?
9. What type of music do you think works better with thriller movies? And why?
10. What editing do you prefer? Simple cuts or fades and dissolves?

After our survey, we analysed our results and got the following information:

From this graph, we are able to see that out of the 17 people questioned, we are able to see that the majority of our target audience enjoy thrillers. In comparison to the minority of people who don’t enjoy them.

From this data we see that although people enjoy watching thrillers, not that many watch them often during the week, which makes us come to a conclusion that people don’t watch thriller films often.

The Majority of the people we asked had chosen “No” and the most common reason to enforce this view was the preferred genres of comedy and tragedy.

In this graph we are able to see that more people preferred graphic violence in a thriller film, and when we asked them why, the most popular answer was “to make the film more interesting”. This shows that graphic violence is an important option for the making of an interesting film.

The majority of the interviewed said yes and the most popular reason to enforce this view was the fact that these types of scenes created excitement and fright- making the viewer scared.

Dark and eerie scenes were the most popular choice and the answer to support this was that dark and eerie scenes build suspense and create a thrill, which is essential for a thriller film.

This pie chart has revealed that the most frequent choice of feature was characters and climax. This shows that a well planned climax is important to create interest in a thriller film, and memorable characters help to attract an audience to watch a film.

The most prevalent choice was “without dialogue” and the most common answer to support this was that silence connotes suspense and keeps the audience engaged in the film. After reading the results for this question we drew the conclusion that our opening sequence will be done without dialogue.

From this graph, we were able to see that the most popular choice of music was “scary music” this wasn’t sufficient for us as creators because this kind of music doesn’t lie within a genre. We drew the conclusion of that kind of music being similar to classical music. To have avoided this dilemma, we could have worded our question to make it more specific. A question like “what genre of music do you think works for thriller movies? And why?” would have worked better.

The most popular choice was both fades and simple cuts. This was informative in telling us about what sorts of cuts to use when editing. However, the question wasn’t worded properly because the people questioned added their own options, so we should have added an “other” option.

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