Filming Schedule.

Film Schedule

List of locations:

• For the chase scene right at the start, we filmed it in an alley way on Newark Crescent. We thought this was suitable at night as it passes through a dark and eerie alleyway and is narrow.
• The next scene was filmed in a dark room at our school- Twyford Church of England- to show the relation between the story-line and the murderer, and to link the photos with the murders.
• The final scene was filmed at a park outside our school in broad daylight, to show the normality of the next victims’ day to create suspense.

• Our first prop was a black bag stuffed with material to create the illusion that the victim’s body was inside it.
• Other props we used were photos of the characters in the dark room to show the picture of the victims
• Our last prop was a newspaper to show awareness to the audience about the victim’s situation.

Roles of Group Members:
Camera Person: Salmaa and Fiona
Editor: Salmaa, Sarah and Fiona
Director: Salmaa, Sarah and Fiona

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