Post Production.

Post Production- Audience Research:

“Click” questionnaire
1. What did you think of the opening sequence?
2. What did you think the film was about (interpretations)?
3. What questions are being raised?
4. Did we stick to the conventions of a thriller?
5. Do we need more special effects?
6. What else do we need to add to get maximum marks?
7. Does it create enigma? If yes or no, why?
8. What do think we need to include/improve in our sequence?
9. What was the best part of the sequence?
10. Was the music appropriate for our storyline in the sequence?
11. After watching the opening sequence, would you like to carry on watching the development of the film?
12. Do we create tension in our opening sequence? Why?

As we read through the answers to this questionnaire, we found that the best part of our opening sequence is the scream section, and mainly the beginning as there was alot of tension created. To improve on our opening sequence, we were told that the newspaper could be improved to make it more realistic and to hold a steadier camera shot at the beginning, because although it was a chase, it was too shaky.

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